How (And Why) You Must Use Wellness To Help Navigate Through the COVID-19 Crisis

Social isolation, fear of the unknown, and a heightened sense of anxiety seems to be on the menu for the foreseeable future. It is Day I-Don’t-Want-To-Talk-About-It at home with my husband and sons. I am beyond thankful that we are housed, fed, healthy, prepared, and getting along for the most part (we are practicing social distancing by providing space apart to just BE). But outside our doors, our community members are falling ill and dying. Our state is in chaos. The world is off kilter and it feels scary to me.

We are told to practice self-care to combat these feelings but how can we do this when we are working from home, homeschool kids, watching the news incessantly, etc etc?

It’s not a question of how. We MUST do this. Here are tips to help you navigate the COVID-19 crisis with a little more grace and kindness to yourself:

  1. Do breathwork. The Calm app is helping me get through.

  2. Journal or plan. I plotted out my world domination plans in my new Eeni Edit planner and I feel more focused. I’m also practicing gratitude.

  3. Pamper yourself with a spa day. My jade roller has been wrapped up in the fridge since the holidays. Maybe it’s time to unwrap and use it?

  4. Allow yourself to rest. If you need a nap, go for it. Make sure you’re getting ample sleep at night as well.

  5. Set a routine…or don’t. Some people thrive on routine during times of crisis like waking up at the same time. Others don’t. Do what works for you.

  6. Clean and/or cleanse your space. Whether your deal is smudging or Lysol, get to it. Recharge those crystals too.

  7. Take a technology reprieve. With so much information and misinformation abound, it is a lot to process and can be upsetting. It might be just got a morning, a day, or a weekend but if you can unplug DO IT.

  8. Stay hydrated and eat well. I keep remembering how my mom said I wasn’t hungry, I was thirsty so I’ve had a water bottle at my side during this time.

  9. Do activities you love. Knit. Create art. Roller skate around your home. Exercise. Cook a healthy meal. Read.

  10. Check in on friends and family. Whether it’s a text, a video chat, or a DM, make sure you regularly check in. Even on your strong friend. Connections are key.

  11. Maintain good hygiene. I’m showering daily. I’m also getting dressed daily but you couldn’t tell with my black yoga pant uniform. Also WASH YOUR HANDS for at least 20 seconds.

  12. Work on personal and professional development. There are many events (some FREE.99) that are helping us through these times. Check out upcoming events from the The Riveter, Essence Wellness House, and Her Future Summit for your enrichment. Stay learning!

What are you doing to live well during this pandemic?